About Circle of Wellness
Since 2017, Circle of Wellness (COW), has provided services to various individuals and families dealing with difficult life transitions that may have prohibited their ability to live a happy and prosperous life. COW cultivates a safe space, where diversity and inclusion are valued. We pride ourself on providing quality care and prioritizing the needs of patients that are served. Hence, why a free 15 minute phone consultation is offered to individuals interested in receiving therapy services. This is a great way to ensure the patient is matched with the therapist that best meets their needs. Research shows that the most important aspect of a successful therapeutic relationship is the connection between the patient and the therapist. As with any relationship, therapy works best when there is trust, mutual respect, and a sense of connection.
Our goal as a practice, is to help people get through the lousy times, not by removing the garbage, but by walking with them so they can see it is survivable. Each therapist at COW, has a unique style. Our therapists, have previously worked in various settings to include: community based mental health programs for adults and children, in-patient psychiatric hospitals, therapeutic group homes, corrections and community corrections, and geriatric settings. The combined experience of therapists at COW, makes this practice an eclectic group of individuals who can work with a wide variety of populations.
The vision of COW, is to provide a holistic, comprehensive approach to therapy. COW has integrated the six dimensions of wellness developed by Dr. Bill Hettler, co-founder of the National Wellness Institute. The six dimensions helps one better understand when we mindfully focus on our personal wellness, it allows us to persevere amidst life’s obstacles. Wellness is uniquely different for everyone and can mean different things in different contexts.
Emotional Wellness
Emotional wellness is achieved when a person is aware of and accepts a wide array of emotions and feelings. An emotionally well person also realizes that ‘happiness’ is not the only desired emotion in life.
Physical Wellness
Physical Wellness is achieved when a person gives their body what it physically needs, to include good exercise and eating habits.
Social Wellness
Social Wellness is achieved when a person contributes to their community and environment in a positive way.
Occupational Wellness
Occupational wellness is achieved when a person uses his/her skills effectively in a paid or unpaid setting to contribute to the community while experiencing personal fulfillment and satisfaction.
Intellectual Wellness
Intellectual wellness is achieved when a person is open to new experiences and ideas to continue growing.
Spiritual Wellness
Spiritual wellness is achieved when your values, beliefs, and actions are aligned and you are being true to yourself. A spiritually well person can accept and appreciate what is not completely understood.